Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Anne Coulter Needs a Cockpunch #4

Time once again to set phasers on "fascist" and listen as Anne "she CAN'T be a woman" Coulter dumps gas on the fire of American polarization:

"Whenever a liberal begins a statement with 'I don't know which is more frightening,' you know the answer is going to be pretty clear." Source


Ok, someone needs to explain this one to me. Someone who begins a statement with 'I don't know which is more frightening' is invariably about to describe two (duh) similarly frightening things. If you take 'a liberal' and substitute 'somebody' in this quote, there is no meaning whatsoever to this sentence. Even with 'liberal' in it, any characterization or description is notably absent; I guess we're just supposed to assume that our confusion means "HURR LIBERALS BAD HURR".

Seriously. For example: "I don't know which is more frightening: AIDS or cancer." And a liberal is saying it. Anyone? Clear answer? Anyone? Beuller? Beuller?

Most of her quotes have at least SOME statement of opinion or logic (deranged as it might be, in my opinion), but this one is just completely meaningless.

Anne, I've got a response. "When Anne Coulter is speaking, you know that something is being said."


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