Anne Coulter Needs a Cockpunch #3
In the meantime, here's this week's nugget of bitter-I'm-a-closeted-lesbian bile from the Right's favorite sperm dumpster:
"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war. " Original National Review article here
Yay! You Godwinned yourself, bitch! You compared the "terrorists", a beautifully loosely defined group that can include (depending on what day it is) liberals, radical Muslims, Al Quaida, and anyone that disagrees with you, to Hitler, clearly a single individual. Difference is, these days, we carpet bomb civilians and STILL don't come up with public enemy #1. Time for a new tactic, don't you think? I know 2300 families that would agree with me.
And you're proposing that the murder of civilians is a GOOD thing? Jesus Christ, lady, is it any wonder we've driven (a very small minority of) radical Muslims to try to destroy us? You might take umbrage if Al Quaida blew up the house next to you, wouldn't you? Then why do you expect Iraqis to react differently? The shit done blowed up! You're going to be pissed at the people who did it, no matter what their justification or moral superiority. Maybe we should STOP killing civilians, and see what happens.
And what's this "convert them to Christianity" bullshit? Maybe you weren't paying attention in history class, since you'd already decided that anything in the history books that didn't fit into your worldview was obviously liberal revisionism, but there were these terribly bloody wars known as the Crusades. Millions of people slaughtered, because they didn't believe in the same "God" as the people who obviously knew what was best for them. (Ironically enough, Muslims actually do worship the same "God" as Christians, they just have another name for the dude.)
Where in the Bible does it say "Kill those people who worship Me slightly differently"? Is it on the same page as "Thou shalt not kill"?
And while we're on the subject, let's get some perspective on the radical Muslims who seek to destroy our country and our way of life. To deny their existence is futile and ignorant; clearly there are individuals who are willing to die in order to kill civilians. Tarring all Muslims with the same brush, however, is basically the same as saying all Christians burn crosses, wear white hoods, and lynch people who look different from them. (Actually, if you leave out the crosses and hoods, we're not that far away.) The truth of the matter is, one of the core principles of Islam is, in fact, love for your neighbor. The lunatics get all the publicity because they're the ones killing people. Change the frame of reference to this part of the world: People going to church and believing in Christ isn't news, people blowing up federal buildings is news.
Oo, and "punctilicious!" Putting 50 cent words in a statement advocating violence against civilians is kind of like polishing a turd; when you're done, it's still a turd.
Well, didn't mean for that to turn into such a long rant, but for crying out loud, Ms. Coulter (she probably hates it when she gets called that), don't you see how this makes you part of the problem and not the solution?